+385 98 931 3725 - info@dynamicbrands.eu

Program mentorstva za međunarodnu trgovinu

Program mentorstva

U Dynamic Brandsu nudimo program mentorstva za mlade studente međunarodne trgovine koji žele unaprijediti svoje obrazovanje kroz specijalizirane prakse. Naš cilj je pružiti praktično i strateško iskustvo koje ubrzava njihov profesionalni razvoj na globalnim tržištima i u međunarodnom poslovanju.

Modaliteti i trajanje

Prakse su dostupne u dva formata:

  • Remote: 3 mjeseca, produživo za dodatna 3 mjeseca.
  • Na licu mjesta u Zadru (Hrvatska): Između 1 i 3 mjeseca maksimalno.

We accept a Prihvaćamo najviše dva stažista u online modu i jednog u fizičkoj prisutnosti po periodu. per period.


  • Tečno znanje engleskog jezika u govoru i pisanju..
  • Sposobnost prilagodbe dinamičnim i međunarodnim radnim okruženjima.

Razdoblja mentorstva

  • Prvi period Listopad do Studeni
  • Drugi period October to November.

Metodologija Rada

  • Praktičan i strateški pristup Praktikanti će raditi na stvarnim scenarijima međunarodne trgovine.
  • Uronjavanje u različite kulturne radne prostore Osim našeg ureda, koristimo različite kulturne lokacije u Zadru kao radne prostore, omogućujući stažistima da se urone u hrvatsku kulturu dok se prilagođavaju mobilnosti koja je potrebna u ovoj industriji.
  • Terenske zadatke Praktikanti će sudjelovati u aktivnostima istraživanja i analize, samostalno rješavati izazove i prikupljati ključne informacije za podršku svom učenju.

Proces prijave

  • Ažurirani životopis
  • Motivation letter.

Upoznajte naše praktikante

Our Interns’ Stories

At Dynamic BrandsU Dynamic Brandsu ponosni smo što mentoriramo mlade profesionalce u međunarodnoj trgovini. Kroz naš program stručne prakse, studenti stječu praktično iskustvo, razvijaju strateške vještine i uranjaju u dinamični svijet međunarodnog poslovanja.

Angela Claudia Miljak


? Modalitet: Na daljinu
? Razdoblje: Srpanj 2022.- veljača 2023

“I am happy to share with you an insight into my experience as an intern at Dynamic Brands under
the mentorship of Irene. My internship program at Dynamic Brands was very hands-on involving
constructing analysis reports on: client businesses; industry and geographic trends in order to
assist in the identification of ideal markets for internationalisation.
Identifying prospects for partnerships or as potential customers and contacting them has allowed
me to build and perfect my communications skills.
Under mentorships, I learned a lot directly from Irene but also indirectly as Irene gives challenging
enough work to push interns to learn on their own. In my opinion, there is no better way to learn
than through challenges under the right guidance from a professional and highly-knowledgeable
Doing an internship at Dynamic Brands is sure to be a beneficial and a well-rounded experience
that will advance your career.”

Pročitajte više o iskustvu Angele Claudije ? [Link to a full story or blog post]

Lucas Ruiz


? Modalitet: Osobno
? Razdoblje: [May 2024-July 2024]
? Testimonial: “? My internship at Dynamic Brands A rewarding journey into the world of international business! ?

Over the last few months, I’ve been lucky enough to do an exciting work placement at Dynamic Brands, where I’ve been able to explore various aspects of international trade and market analysis. Some of the activities include :

? Data Management : I managed company information on CRM, generated lists on Hubspot, and filled in missing data to ensure a reliable and complete database.

? Market Analysis : I deepened my understanding of the Croatian and Serbian markets by analysing their exports, GDP and FDI. In addition, I carried out a SWOT analysis of the Spanish tuna market for a Croatian company.

? Prospecting : I researched and contacted Spanish companies specialising in canned peppers and olives.

? Event organisation : My exercise was to plan a trade fair in the Balkans for a Spanish company, comparing the different markets in the region and preparing the budget.

?? Writing and Communications : I wrote articles for the website and developed follow-up emails to engage unresponsive prospects.

This practical experience was extremely
rewarding, providing me with an in-depth understanding of international business dynamics and strengthening my analytical and interpersonal skills.

I couldn’t have achieved this without the incredible support of my mentor Irene Calvo Mata. Thank you, Irene, for taking the time to guide me and explain things so clearly. Your mentorship made this internship even more enriching.”

? Pročitajte više o Lucasovom iskustvu. [Poveznica na cijelu priču ili blog] post]

Alba Doyagüez


? Modalitet: Na daljinu
? Razdoblje: [September 2022-February 2023]
? Testimonial: “[Intern?s quote about their experience]”

? Pročitajte više o Lucasovom iskustvu. [Poveznica na cijelu priču ili blog]

